Learning Agreement Erasmus Login

If you`re a student who is planning on participating in the Erasmus program, you`ll need to familiarize yourself with the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login process. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about this important step in the Erasmus program.

What is the Learning Agreement?

The Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the courses that an Erasmus student will take while studying abroad. It is an agreement between the student, the sending institution and the receiving institution, and it outlines the goals and objectives of the student`s study program. The Learning Agreement also contains information about the student`s course load, course credits, and course descriptions.

What is Erasmus?

Erasmus is a program run by the European Union that provides opportunities for students to study abroad. Students can study in a different country for one semester or one academic year. Erasmus aims to promote mobility and to enhance the quality of higher education in Europe.

What is the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login?

The Learning Agreement Erasmus Login is the online platform where students can create, access and submit their Learning Agreement. After a student has been accepted into the Erasmus program, they will receive a login to the platform from their sending institution. The Learning Agreement Erasmus Login platform allows students to create their Learning Agreement online, share it with their sending and receiving institutions, and receive approval for their proposed courses.

How to use the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login

To use the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login, follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login using your credentials.

2. Create your Learning Agreement by selecting the courses you plan to take during your study abroad program.

3. Share your Learning Agreement with your sending institution for approval.

4. Once your sending institution has approved your Learning Agreement, share it with your receiving institution for approval.

5. After your receiving institution approves your Learning Agreement, you can begin your study program.

Benefits of using the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login

There are several benefits to using the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login platform:

1. It makes creating and submitting your Learning Agreement easy and quick.

2. It provides a central location for all of your Erasmus-related documents.

3. It allows for easy communication between you, your sending institution, and your receiving institution.


In conclusion, the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login is an important platform for all Erasmus students. It simplifies the process of creating and submitting your Learning Agreement and allows for easy communication with your sending and receiving institutions. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can make the most of the Learning Agreement Erasmus Login and ensure a successful study abroad program.

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