Subject Verb Agreement Rewrite the Sentence Correctly

Subject-verb agreement is crucial to the foundation of English grammar. It involves ensuring that the subject of a sentence agrees with the verb used in that sentence. A proper subject-verb agreement helps readers understand what the sentence means without any confusion. However, there are times when the agreement between the subject and verb can be challenging, which brings us to the importance of rewriting a sentence correctly.

One common error that writers make when it comes to subject-verb agreement is using singular subjects with plural verbs, or vice versa. For example, « The group of singers were singing » should be rewritten as « The group of singers was singing » since « group » is a singular noun. Similarly, « The boys in the classroom is studying » should be written as « The boys in the classroom are studying » because « boys » is a plural noun.

Another area where subject-verb agreement can be tricky is with phrases that contain « one of. » For instance, « One of the best singers on the music scene is Beyoncé » should be rewritten as « One of the best singers on the music scene is Beyoncé » since « one » is singular. Alternatively, if we were to say, « One of the key ingredients are sugar, » we would need to rewrite it as « One of the key ingredients is sugar » since the subject is singular.

It is also important to note that in some cases, a subject can appear as a plural noun, but the verb must remain singular. For example, « Mathematics is my favorite subject » should be kept as is because « mathematics » is singular, even though it ends with an « s. »

To rewrite sentences correctly, it is necessary to understand the subject and verb`s relationship and always use the correct form of the verb. When editing your work, make sure to identify the subject and ensure that the verb matches it in number and person. If the subject is singular, use the singular form of the verb, and if it`s plural, use the plural form.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is essential to clear communication in writing. Always take the time to ensure that your sentences are correctly written to aid your readers in understanding your message effectively. Remember, a simple rewrite can make the difference between a confusing sentence and a clear and concise one.

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